Dog Training Resources


The Other End of the Leash, by Patricia McConnell

Clarifies so many mysteries that arise when primates live with canines. Also clarifies the whole alpha dog myth. Changed my dog-owning life!

Anything by Patricia McConnell! Lots of short ones including one about separation anxiety. Her Puppy Primer is so good my dog tried to eat it.


Dog Training Revolution, by Zak George.

Great basics.


The New Click to Calm: solutions for all dogs in a challenging world, by Emma Parsons

A nice 101 for over-excited/reactive/aggressive dogs (and whose isn’t one of those!) with lots of practical information.


Don’t Shoot the Dog, by Karen Pryor

She has some funny and outdated human references but the info on positive reinforcement clicker training for dogs, humans, or any critter is fascinating. It’s sort of the original clicker training book. Parents might find it extra interesting.



Zak George - really upbeat and well edited channel, less technical

Kikopup – great information, not so polished



Paws & Reward – friendly and easy listening from a dog behaviorist

Drinking from the Toilet – more technical, but the episode on selecting treats is super helpful for anyone



jwdogtraining – If you follow one, follow this! Lots of clear and specific training information.

tailsofconnection - practical, relatable, specific and actionable what else could you want?

unleash.atl – trainer who posts accessible and scientific information, and adorable clients, she also does online training and is fabulous. Check out Rachel Callery's website.

Themuttnut – concrete advice with a British accent

dogwise.books – just charming memes that hit the spot

patriciamcconnellphd – links to her interesting blog

clickertraining – a lot of example videos of how to do things, you’ll be inspired about what is possible

dax_theangrydog – a lady who talks about training her dog reactive dog, makes you thoughtful about interacting with other dogs

pawsandreward – some interesting thoughts about human dog relationships


Last, but not least, when you look for a trainer look for someone that uses words like “positive reinforcement” or “science-based”. If you see “alpha” or “dominance” or “balanced” then don’t waste your money, they may very well make behavior worse in the long run. There is lots of research on animal behavior and there are evidence-based methods of training. They are all based in positive reinforcement.

Here is an awesome summary of dog trainer certification alphabet soup.


Tiny Habits for Nutrition: Small Steps for Eating Healthier


HAES in Health Care